健康サイト by アリナミン製薬


Do you know why people feel tired?

"Tiredness" is felt when you cannot produce energy to act efficiently.

In such a state,

it is important to take vitamin B1, in particular,
along with the three major nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins).

However, actually, vitamin B
1 is poorly absorbed by the body when taken from foods.

"Fursultiamine", a highly absorbable vitamin B1 derivative,
improved such a nature.
Fursultiamine is easily absorbed by the body compared to vitamin B1

and transferred into the whole body (e.g., muscles, nerves, etc.) to exert its effect on fatigue.

The vitamin B1 derivative, "Fursultiamine",

is contained in all Alinamin-branded products.
※Drugs and quasi-drugs limited

This page shows the difference between vitamin B1 and fursultiamine.

Now let's see how fursultiamine works.

01. Actions of vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 acts as a "lubricant"to help the metabolism of the three major nutrients.

The source of cellular energy is the three major nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) taken from normal diets,and carbohydrates are particularly important nutrients as the main energy source for the brain, heart and muscles.

And, then, vitamin B1 is an essential nutrient to produce energy from carbohydrates.

Although vitamin B1 is not an energy source like the three major nutrients...
It is an essential nutrient to live.

02. Mechanism of energy production and relationship with vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is deeply involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, which are our major energy source.

Carbohydrates are degraded into monosaccharides, such as glucose, etc., and then absorbed into the body.

Glucose and other monosaccharides are transformed to pyruvic acid through various metabolic steps.

Vitamin B1 is necessary to convert pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA.

Acetyl-CoA enters the TCA cycle *and energy is produced during the metabolic process.

*A chemical pathway in the body to efficiently produce energy from ingested nutrients.

03. Vitamin B1 is also involved in neural signal transduction, etc.

In addition, vitamin B1 not only helps to produce energy from carbohydrates, but also plays a role in signal transduction of the nerves.

Glucose is the main source of energy for nerve cells.
Vitamin B1 is also an important substance to support nerve functions, involving in a reaction to convert glucose into energy.

Vitamin B1 is also effective for neuralgia, etc., symptoms which occur when the nerves malfunction due to vitamin B1 deficiency, etc.

04. Vitamins are not produced in the body

Vitamins are essential nutrients, but many of them are
not produced in the body.

Basically, we need to externally ingest a necessary amount of vitamins every day!

It is reported that vitamin B1,B6, C, etc. tend to be deficient.

05. Vitamin B1 is poorly absorbed by the body

Furthermore, although vitamin B1 is important to obtain sufficient energy, it is poorly absorbed in the body when taken from foods.

Since vitamin B1 is water-soluble, it easily flows out when washed with water during cooking and also tends to be lost by heating. The absorption of vitamin B1 in one meal is only 10 mg at the maximum and it is not stored in the body.
It is clarified that the amount of absorption is limited even if you try to take a lot at a time.

In other words, vitamin B1 is one of nutrients that are likely to be deficient.

06. "Fursultiamine", an ingredient with improved properties of vitamin B1

"Fursultiamine", a highly absorbable vitamin B1 derivative, is an ingredient that complements the weak point of vitamin B1 which is poorly absorbed and can produce a lot of "activated vitamin B1" in the body.

Water-soluble vitamin B1 cannot directly pass through the cell membrane of the small intestine without a transporter (transportation carrier). On the other hand, fat-soluble fursultiamine can pass through the cell membrane and enter the blood or body without a transporter.

Therefore, fursultiamine is absorbed and delivered to the tissues more than vitamin B1

07. Fursultiamine produces a large amount of activated vitamin B1

Fursultiamine produces a large amount of "activated vitamin B1", which is a form to exert the effect in cells, compared to vitamin B1.

In the first place, vitamin B1 is converted to "activated vitamin B1" after entering cells to assist the production of energy and serve as a coenzyme that keeps the normal functions of the nerves, etc.

It is the same for vitamin B1 reproduced from fursultiamine after being absorbed that the effect is exerted after converted to activated vitamin B1, but fursultiamine has a characteristic of producing a large amount of "activated vitamin B1".

08.Fursultiamine that is effective for fatigue

Three characteristics of "Fursultiamine", a vitamin B1 derivative

  • 01. Absorbed from the intestinal tract better than vitamin B1.
  • 02. Sufficiently distributed to tissues, such as muscles, nerves, etc.
  • 03. A lot of activated vitamin B1can be produced.

"Fursultiamine", a highly absorbable vitamin B1 derivative, is a key component to recover from fatigue for contemporary people suffering from "lack of energy in cells" which is one of the causes of fatigue.